Friday 29 May 2009

This module began with the recognition day brief. I rather enjoyed this brief since i approached it differently to previous ones. I tried using photography as my main content. I used rather thought out photos that consided depth of field and macro. I feel these worked very well rather then using images that have been brought into illustrater and changed. The photos weren't altered but raw from the source which i think gives them more value. In this brief i should have considered the type more, as it was very important in supporting the photos. On a whole i feel the photos i used were very visually pleasing. It's taught me the importance photography can have in communication.
The next brief was How to... which started badly. My ideas to start with were poor and when i tried to make these work the results didnt look graphic and didnt communicate well. I produced many ideas but my development in this brief was lacking. When i changed my idea to one that was working which is the map idea i should have pushed it further with colour use and researched it more then i did. I aren't very happy with this brief there is a lack of development and research which would have pushed my final piece further. However on the plus i think i produced a lot of ideas on this brief all having potential. If i was to do it again i would push more of these ideas and develop them further.
The collaborative brief came next which made me have to organise myself. Since i was working with another person it meant i had to organise each day so we could work together share our ideas and develop them. Individually we gathered research and brought it together which meant we had more research on a whole. The problem with collaborative briefs is its easy to become reliant on your partner which in this case i don't believe was me. I prefer working by myself since there's noone else to rely on but me. From the last brief this one was more developed, when we had our idea we did develop it to try push it further and make it communicate better. More planning could have been taken to push the final idea further.
The final five week brief was speaking from experience. I found that distractions this year prevented me from working a whole lot so this is what i addressed. I should have produced more ideas, i feel i did jump into my ideas straight away without trying others and pushing their potential. I researched each of my final outcomes unlike in previous briefs to see what other designers have produced and help develop my ideas. I tried and tested different layouts to push my final pieces. I was rather happy with my final outcomes, i screen printed the majority of them which seemed appropriate. Compared to the previous briefs i think i pushed myself much more. I felt the benefits of researching my ideas and developing them i feel its given my final pieces more value and i appreciate them more.

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