Tuesday 28 April 2009

Wednesday 1 April 2009

1. What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?
This module has helped me develop ways of communicating message through image alone. It has also helped me consider colour in doing this. Through doing What is a line i have learnt how to produce stock animations which before this module i had never attempted before. One of the major things i have become aware of is perspective drawing. Previously i had never been taught this, now im confident in produces the grids to place my drawings into too produce a 3D image.

2. What approaches to/methods of research have you developed and how have they informed your design development process?
I took many photos in What is a line to develop ways of producing depth in an image. Previously photography hadn’t been a big focus or considered until this module. All my work is primary research since it is all showing how i’ve tried to create depth in different ways. The stock animations i did being an example of my primary research since id never tried this before. My secondly research was mainly the other animations i viewed to help give me ideas and awareness for my own.

3. What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these?
I think my final couple of stock animations were my strength, they were no longer static or of such a poor quality as the beginning animations. They flowed much more successfully, with the camera rotating and depicting the object rather then being rather dull and only showing one perspective of the 3D shape. I think the photos which i took conveyed depth well, I feel i experimented well with the photos trying out different and varied scenes which i could try create depth of field. I have also learnt to consider what is necessary to communicate message. Image and type together aren’t always needed, also using too much in a frame can over complicate something which can be delivered very simply. I will consider this from now on when communicating message. I have new skills in stock animation and photography which i will also carry on with me.

4. What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these more fully?
I think there might seem to be a jump from my sketch book work to the stock animations i started to produce, without showing the correct development for this change. I should have evaluated more on my blog and sketch pad to show more of my thought process throughout the module. I found the pictograms difficult to simplify to a level that would clearly still communicate the message but not be over crowded by information. This is something i must work on more to help me with designing to communicate.

5. Identify five things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?
Next time i will show my developments of ideas more clearly rather then have them only in my head. I need to show my ideas in my sketch book so it’s clear to see my train of thought. Not only will everyone else be able to see my ideas but i will be able to work from them easier once down on paper.
Time management is an issue, i should have given this module a certain amount of time per day to produce a bigger overall amount of work.
I will evaluate my work more often next time to allow me to be able to self reflect and see where my work can go from that point.
I should have produced more drawings in this work to enhance my drawing skills and given me a better understanding of line.
Like i experimented with stock animation i will do similar in the future. I will experiment more often with different things to gain a broader understanding of different techniques and mediums.